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About 401 Sold Fast

Hi! This is Bryan from 401 Sold Fast. I’m a local homebuyer and professional problem-solver who strives to help Rhode Island folks out of tough situations involving their properties such as foreclosure, probate, divorce or anything else. I’m always upfront about whether I am a good fit for you as a possible buyer as this is not always the case. But what I ensure is ALWAYS the case is that you are in a position to succeed with the sale of your home and that you understand all of your options and resources to navigate your individual situation. I am not a large home-buying operation that impersonally speeds through transactions with home sellers all over the country – there’s more than enough of those companies saturating the marketplace. I’m a small local business that caters to folks in Rhode Island and ONLY Rhode Island, helping to solve your problems and aiming for you to feel cared for throughout the process whether I purchase your property or not. If you’re hoping to sell your Rhode Island property fast for whatever reason, please call my office or submit your address on the form on this website and we will reach out to you promptly.

How We Work With Homeowners

If you have any questions about our process for helping you sell a house quickly and for a fair cash amount or if you want to learn more about us, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime!

Call 401 Sold Fast Today At 207-239-1148

The Pros & Cons Of Selling Your House To A Local
Professional Home Buyer – FREE Guide: 

selling your house fast to 401 Sold Fast

Download our FREE Guide here and contact us anytime with any questions, for a no-hassle Situation Evaluation, or if you would like to learn more about how we help Providence homeowners sell their unwanted properties for cash.

Get your FREE Guide and then give us a call at 207-239-1148. We would love to discuss what your home is worth and what we can offer to buy it with our Cash Offer Program.